Bill Brady Visual Arts Grant
Read here about the amazing artist and GHS Alumni, Bill Brady, the man behind this generous grant.
Guidlines for Awarding this grant:
-This grant is available to staff of the art department at Grandview High School as stipulated by the donor.
-The grant should be student focused and create a passion for art in the students.
-Applicants may apply for up to $9,000 in funds.
-Be completed within the school year.
-Go beyond resources that can be obtained from the district
-Have an itemized budget
Selection Criteria for this grant:
-The degree to which the proposal is student focused.
-The degree to which the proposal has the potential to create a passion for art.
-The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical in the description and means to measure the success of the project.
Responsibilities of Grant Recipient:
-Use the award for the purpose indicated.
-Grant recipient must submit a one-page evaluation within one month of project completion explaining the project’s level of success. Photos of project or published articles should also be submitted to GEF.
Persons eligible to apply:
-Art teachers at Grandview High School as stipulated by donor.
Implementation date:
-All funds must be used during the current school year. Recipients will be named and funds will be available in February.
Applications Open in August 2025:
-To apply for the Bill Brady Visual Arts grant, complete the application and coversheet with required signatures and submit to
Due Date to Apply:
-All grant applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. January 20, 2026
GHS Bulldog TV Students feature the art teacher recipients of the Bill Brady Visual Arts Grant 2024.