Jane Bryan Community Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2014 to honor Jane Bryan and her 60+ years of service to the Grandview School District and community.
Jane, a GHS alum, spent her entire 40-year teaching career in Grandview, first as an English and Social Studies teacher and then as librarian. She served two terms on the Grandview Board of Education and serves on the Board of the Grandview Education Foundation.
Applicants will be considered based on academic achievement, and involvement in both school and community activities.
Applications are available in the counselor’s office. Applicants must meet the following requirements and include the following information in their application:
-Top 10 percent of the class
- Active in school and community activities
-Three letters of recommendation (no relatives): one from school personnel, one from a community person, and one other
-An essay explaining your purpose in attending college